Press Release Author = Straight Talk In Partnership
Industry = Advertising
Press Release Summary = An award system for ordinary Joe Public to honour credibility amongst its people has seen its distributors feel the pinch.
Press Release Body = Distributors of a Liverpool publishing company are feeling the pinch, as reports of thefts are coming in, from its Liverpool Newsagents, after publicizing the identity of Credhedz.
Managing Director John McNulty of Straight Talk In Ltd, the Fairfield-based publisher, says that, \"Even though the public might see Credhedz as the \'must-have\' birthday card, because of its associations with kudos and credibility, anyone who steals them has no credibility. Credibility is not something that can be appropriated through acts of theft, it has to be earned, its recognition deserved, and that fact endorsed by somebody other than the receiver.\"
Credhedz honour credibility amongst ordinary Joe Public, who have always been in charge, say it as it is, and can make or break someone. It is their own award system. Mates and relatives give close family, friends and neighbours close attention, the recognition they have earned and deserve, for their great personality, the things they\'ve achieved, which make them the real genuine people they are.
To honour and point out that fact at each milestone gives the opportunity for ordinary people to say whom and what\'s credible about someone, and to award another person this accolade, on a day when the focus is solely on them. \"Birthday is the right time for recognition. With age comes success, achievement, and respect.
Picking out (nominating) someone for Credhedz card shows that they are being recognized, which gives the sender the chance to say something about this that has not been said before.
Credhedz cards are designed to raise morale, boost confidence and identity. Theft is not in keeping with the spirit of Credhedz\", he added.
As a gesture of seasonal goodwill, the company has offered to replace the cards free of charge, and is issuing a warning to all of its other stockists in Manchester, Leeds, Lancashire and Cheshire to provide greater security around Credhedz cards. Newsagents are saying that since the cards have got people talking they are now keeping them in their gold point-of-sale behind glass.
The firm was set up to introduce products that have an impact: Credhedz\'® recognition honours fairness, trust and integrity through, selfless acts of honesty and generosity, passion about truth to make a meaningful and lasting impact, spirit of community in which devotion to family and friends is integral, engaging vision for togetherness. What you get is real, the company holds. # # #
A new and leading cutting-edge greetings cards publishing company Straight Talk In Ltd getting to the point with its products. Honesty and integrity is at the heart of the initiative. The company specializes in publishing greetings cards for the young adult market, providing a form of greeting card product (relevant to 11-22 years) targeted at ages up to 34 years. The company operates in Liverpool UK in the city's L6 Anfield district.
The Straight Talk In ® publishing brand as well as being a marketing, publicity, advertising service, heads a range of greetings cards and line of designs of everyday card products which include Birthday.
It supplies direct to retail at newsagents within the heart of the community.
For more information please email.
Straight Talk In is a registered trademark of The Straight Talk In Partnership, a separate legal entity.
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Contact Details = Company: Straight Talk In Limited. Directors: Mr John McNulty and Mr Richard Williams. Address: 45 Parton Street, Liverpool. L6 3AN T: 0151 260 7345 E: Web Url: Product: CREDHEDZ® Newsmakers: Mr John McNulty and Mr Richard Williams OEM: Straight Talk In Ltd